From Kotobukiya. The Liger Zero variant created by the Guylos Empire based on the Republic's Liger Zero that has both the full Changing Armor System (CAS) and the latest stealth equipment, EZ-054 Liger Zero X, is finally able to join Kotobukiya's HMM Zoids series! Each piece of armor is removable from the model, and the Electron Drivers and Stunblades can be fully extended: the blades include a telescoping feature. The cockpit hatch on the model's head can open and close, allowing a pilot model to be placed inside. The 3mm connection point on the model's lower torso is compatible with Flying Base Neo (sold separately) All new emblem and caution mark decals to recreate the world of Zoids are included in this kit! This product is a set that includes a Liger Zero Empire Ver. (base model) and an X Unit.